Homeland Security Degrees and Certification in Detroit, Michigan

Homeland security professionals in the Detroit area definitely have their hands full. The city is located along one of the busiest border crossings in the country, which means homeland security must prevent illegal border crossings, human trafficking and drug trafficking. Also, Detroit has a high incidence of gang violence and organized crime, which is also a major responsibility of homeland security organizations and agencies located in Detroit’s greater metropolitan area.

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Then, there is also terrorism on both domestic and international forms. The rural areas located outside of Detroit have one of the highest concentrations of militias, which although not illegal do tend to be on terrorist watch lists because of their anti-government stances and sometimes threatening rhetoric. The fact that Detroit shares a border with one of the major provinces in Canada also makes it susceptible to foreign terrorist attacks. One such example happened in 2009 when a man, with a bomb built into his underwear, attempted to blow up an airplane that was leaving a Detroit airport.

Homeland Security Degrees, Training and Certification in Detroit

In order to qualify for work in the homeland security field, candidates must first meet a set of basic requirements and qualifications. Requirements include having a bachelors degree in a field closely related to the duties performed in homeland security, being a United States citizen, having a clean criminal background and a variety of other things.

Homeland Security Degrees in Detroit: There are numerous degree options when it comes to fields that are closely related to the duties performed as a homeland security professional. Acceptable degree categories include the following fields:

  • Business Administration
  • Homeland Security
  • Criminal Justice
  • Human Services
  • Law Enforcement
  • Terrorism, Mediation, and Peace
  • Forensic Psychology and Criminal Investigation

Homeland security degrees can be obtained through traditional, campus based schooling at a university or college, or through an online school. Both are acceptable, as long as they are accredited and recognized by the state of Michigan.

Homeland Security Training and Certification in Detroit: Certification can be obtained through academic and professional means. Academic certification typically does not involve training, but classes instead. Professional certification, on the other hand, typically involves extensive training that can last up to one year.

Homeland Security Jobs in Detroit

Because of the variety of duties that must be performed by homeland security professionals in the Detroit metropolitan area, there are also a variety of career options available to those looking for homeland security jobs in Detroit, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Transportation Security Agents
  • Surveillance Team
  • Intelligence Analysts
  • Electronic Monitoring Specialists
  • Detectives
  • Foreign Bureau Agents
  • Intelligence Analysts

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