A Philadelphia man was recently arrested for conspiring to fund a terrorist organization. The individual was accused of sending funds to the Islamic Jihad Union, an organization of extremists responsible for a number of attacks, including the attacks against Coalition forces in Afghanistan. The case was investigated by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, which included local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.
It is these professionals, as well as a number of others, who are responsible for managing risks to Philadelphia’s homeland security, including both domestic and international terrorist activities.
Pennsylvania ranks 13th for its domestically focused counterterrorism and homeland security organizations and 16th for its established organizations since September 11th.
Homeland Security Degrees and Certification in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Homeland security careers in Philadelphia often begin with a degree in homeland security or a related field. Given the increased attention given to homeland security in recent years, there are a myriad of programs from a wide range of accredited colleges or institutions in this field. Degree programs in homeland security may include:
- Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice – Homeland Security
- Master of Public Administration – Homeland Security Policy
- Master of Science in Criminal Justice – Terrorism, Mediation and Peace
Common coursework found throughout these degree programs includes:
- Critical Problem Analysis
- Disaster Preparedness and Response
- Domestic Terrorism
- Homeland Security Colloquium
- Intelligence Process
- Introduction to Homeland Security
- Mitigation and Disaster Recovery
Professional certification is also a source of training and continuing education for homeland security personnel. The American Board for Certification in Homeland Security offers designations as:
- Certified in Disaster Preparedness, CDP-I
- Certified in Homeland Security – Emergency Medical Responder
- Certified Master Chaplain, CMC
- Certified National Threat Analyst, CNTA
- Intelligence Analyst Certified, IAC
- Sensitive Security Information, Certified
Homeland Security Jobs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Area Groups, Task Forces, and Field Offices
U.S. intelligence and homeland security agencies in Philadelphia collaborate with one another to measure terrorist threats and to thwart activities:
The Philadelphia Joint Terrorism Task Force serves as a standing organizational structure that provides a coordinated response to terrorist incidents in Philadelphia. Professionals in this program usually include undercover operations teams, intelligence analysts, and wireless communication specialists.
The Philadelphia Police Department’s Counterterrorism Unit and Homeland Security Bureau provide counterterrorism operations, emergency response, and dignitary protection. Professionals employed here may include electronic monitoring specialists and computer forensics specialists.
DHS Protective Security Advisors, located in Philadelphia, utilizes intelligence officers and protective security advisers to support state, local, territorial, and private sector partners.
The FBI Philadelphia Field Office, which operates resident agencies and satellite offices throughout the eastern part of the state, investigates terrorism, foreign counterintelligence, and other violations of federal statutes.
The Philadelphia Emergency Preparedness Office, or the Emergency Preparedness and Bioterrorism Program, part of the Department of Public Health, provides information on biological, radiological, and chemical agents, shelter evacuation procedures, and similar information.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, has a Violent Crimes Terrorism and Immigration program that coordinates the federal law response to domestic and international terrorism threats.